a nice attempt to deal with antisemitism. I would add, however, that in some instances it is the administrators at a college who do not do sufficient work when they know what is going on and there are visible signs of anti-Jewishness, often expressed as Zionism or anti-Israell

When there are clear signs that action needs to be taken, the board of directors (the state level) should be notified if the school is a state university. If as a private college, they too have a governing board, and such boards do not want the schools to get bad publicity nor do they want donors to reconsider donations.

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The one I liked best was Reportify - before I knew it was the winner - I swear. Not just for all the things you said, but it reminded me of the efficient whistleblower process we had at the bank where any employee could report something they thought might be unethical in a streamlined online program and it held everyone accountable to research it and if it was found to be something that needed action, action was taken. Schools can’t sit back and pick and choose what they will take action on or take their sweet time to figure it out or even ignore it. I love how you said innovation becomes the new megaphone for change. That whole paragraph was spot on and well said.

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I like the winner !

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Nice article. It is good to see that Jews are actively trying to do things and be innovative. There is a very sad poem by the Jewish-Italian author Umberto Saba (died 1957), called "La Capra" (the goat) which is a meditation on Jews who did nothing as their world crumbled around them in 30s. The goat is content, well fed and clothed, yet she is tied to a tree and it is raining. I know this is not a good lead in to what I'm going to say, but it is definitely worth reading if you are stilling living under the false allusion that "it can't happen here." Your article shows people doing something that can profit all Jews in the US. Your mention of the do-nothing administrators at Berkley is truly disheartening and, it seems to me, criminal. Thank you for posting this article this week. Keep them coming.

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