joy in my life is in reading your posts on Friday

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I’m partial to Purim because it was the last Jewish celebration before covid. Something told me I needed to join in with as many things as possible so I ended up seeing 3 Purim Spiels and a couple services. It was in my top memories in 2019 to join in a spiel before I became Jewish (or as I was becoming, should say). Oh and the reason I say last because I moved from my area and haven’t been able to find a safe place to go since. I’m not in a Jewish area anymore, unfortunately.

This year.. my joy... I am going to make hamantaschen and take some to work to share.

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Thanks for sharing! Purim sameach!

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Well one way is deciphering Fred’s texts and emails!

It’s so much fun trying to unravel his code!

Just what does “Gluade urrre aveng ioa goed tyimme” mean?!

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Joy in my life is family - joy in my life is exploring new things that make me happy because now I have the time to focus on me - that may sound selfish but it’s actually not because I can’t be good to, and for, others unless I take care of myself physically spiritually and joyously. Have lots of Purim fun!

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