I loved visiting that prison, maybe 15 years ago, iand didn’t come across the synagogue, however I do recall quite well Steve Buscemi’s distinct voice whispering sweet prison factoids in my ears. It is a super great place to visit - highly recommend. So glad you went and the Jewish history of the place found you.
i looked at your hate stuff online. time to climb back under your rock. If you dislike a place, don't go there. No need to spread your venom inherited via dna among decent loving folks.
Keep lookin' ya dimwitdipshit! I don't hide from you at all, my little evil satanic jew!!! I Expose the jews luciferian Deeds to The Real God, and All the Goy Un-Chosen Ones! Your God is Satan, right! Prove me wrong! My Lord is the Creator of the Universe, not your supposed father ba'alzeebub, my dear! Wakey² Sheeple Grabblers!!! Do you know why Your decent loving lucferian buttboy bibi, outlawed 23andMe personal genomics and DNA biotechnology company in israehell? Didn't think so!! Lets just say, It ain't pretty for the jews, Freddy boy!
Miranda, you’ve done it again! What a wonderful and fascination story!
I went to a challah bake !
I loved visiting that prison, maybe 15 years ago, iand didn’t come across the synagogue, however I do recall quite well Steve Buscemi’s distinct voice whispering sweet prison factoids in my ears. It is a super great place to visit - highly recommend. So glad you went and the Jewish history of the place found you.
Wonderfully informative. Reading this in Nairobi, but sharing with Philly friends!
What! Jews as criminals? next they will be telling us that Jews sometimes have drinking problems.
Or they just might have been drinkin' kidnapped, tortured and sacriced baby's blood for thousands of fuckin years!🤣🖕👍🇮🇱🔯🇮🇱🤡🌎😎
i looked at your hate stuff online. time to climb back under your rock. If you dislike a place, don't go there. No need to spread your venom inherited via dna among decent loving folks.
Keep lookin' ya dimwitdipshit! I don't hide from you at all, my little evil satanic jew!!! I Expose the jews luciferian Deeds to The Real God, and All the Goy Un-Chosen Ones! Your God is Satan, right! Prove me wrong! My Lord is the Creator of the Universe, not your supposed father ba'alzeebub, my dear! Wakey² Sheeple Grabblers!!! Do you know why Your decent loving lucferian buttboy bibi, outlawed 23andMe personal genomics and DNA biotechnology company in israehell? Didn't think so!! Lets just say, It ain't pretty for the jews, Freddy boy!